Mountain View Matters


“Lt. Colonel Barker V.C. School is a learning environment where we are caring, responsible and respectful citizens.”  Our mission statement is something we continue to strive for each and every day.  To help us all work towards our mission statement, a 3R rubric was developed and continues to help guide all students, staff and guests at Barker School. 

You may be asking, “What are the 3Rs?”  Although the 3Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle are important, please don’t confuse them with our 3Rs!  Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready are the Barker 3Rs that guide us in achieving our mission statement.  A 3R rubric of school expectations was created and continues to be updated and revised as needs in our building change.  The rubric sets specific expectations for each “R” and in our classrooms, hallways, events, recess, bus, lunch time, bathroom, computer use and community.

Students are introduced to the 3Rs in kindergarten and become familiar with the language that accompanies the 3Rs.  They can be heard using the 3R language when talking with other students and when resolving conflicts.

The 3Rs have resulted in a decrease in office referrals and continue to help the students grow and take ownership for their choices. It also supports them as they come up with the solution.  Students continue to grow in their ability to be respectful, responsible and ready and have now incorporated acts of kindness throughout our building.  Some examples include 12 Days of Kindness, celebrating staff on special days such as Secretary’s Day, and placing sticky notes on student lockers with positive messages, to name a few. We have recently completed a Kindness Mural painted by all students with a theme of “Throw kindness around like confetti.”

Barker School Mural

In the past, classroom teachers would choose three students to receive a certificate as acknowledgement for demonstrating each of the 3Rs.  In discussing this process with students and staff, we questioned the meaning behind the certificates and decided to take a different approach.  Hence, the Positive Office Referral was introduced.  Any and all staff can complete a Positive Office Referral when they notice a student going above and beyond the 3Rs, such as going out of their way to help a fellow student.  Students receive a form describing their act and what values it relates to - for example, responsibility, courage and kindness, to name a few.  Students who receive a positive referral have their name placed in a monthly draw to be Principal of the Day.  In order to celebrate our students and their accomplishments, the draw is made during one of our assemblies.  The excitement as the student names are celebrated and the draw is made has everyone cheering and supporting the students as well as the winner of the draw.  The number of Positive Office Referrals continues to increase each month.

As a school community, we discussed the challenges, stretches and successes of our 3Rs.  We are very proud of our successes and share the following quotes from staff and students:

“The Rs are easy rules to follow and there’s only 3 so they are easy to remember!”

“The 3Rs help make our school a safe place.”

“The 3Rs can be followed anywhere, anytime, and by anyone and you can use them forever.”

“They (3Rs) help everyone in our Barker community come together.  The kindness activities help make people feel good about themselves and when you feel good you do good.”

“It’s an easy reminder of what to do and makes you think about your actions.”

We continue to work together as a school community to support and teach the value of the 3Rs – Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready. We look forward to many more positive gains throughout our school, our student body and our staff.